03 December 2009

A Pic a Day -- Day 1

December 1, 2009
Originally uploaded by Khonsus
Okay so I've seen so many other people out there do this and have been debating for a very long time about it. I had intended on starting to work on the blogs yesterday but had an unfortunate accident which resulted in me not being able to officially start the blogging end of this little experiment.

The plan? I have decided to take a picture a day of something that has meaning to me or is experimental, something that just demands to be photographed each day of the month. My goal is to at least do this experiment for the month of December. I'm starting small seeing as I have this nasty procrastination issue that could stall my experiment.

Anyways the main purpose of doing this is one to improve my photography overall and two to make a daily blog post. How the experiment will work out I have no idea, but we shall see.

Presently I'm behind by a day due to the accident so it'll take me a few days to play catch up with my entries overall.

Other than that? On to why I chose to photograph this on December 1, 2009...

Every day I drive to work and drive home from work I pass this cross. It marks where a car accident happened and I'm fairly certain that the girl whose name is on the cross was killed here. What I find so intriguing about it? This is one of the first memorials I've seen along a main road that is actually kept fairly well maintained. Throughout the months balloons are tied on the cross one week, the next a doll baby is placed on the ground, the week after that flowers...someone comes here, stops every week and places something on this marker. I assume it's family and friends.

When I come to this intersection I always look at this cross whether it's early morning or late afternoon. I search for it and automatically look at it. It reminds me that life is very precious and can be gone in seconds. It also shows the love these people still have for this lost one.

This week they placed the lizard on the cross, if you look closely you can see him there. It's the first time I've seen him and the stuffed animal on the top is a swan I believe, which is also new.

I wanted to started my "pic a day" with a picture of something that has meaning for me and figured what better thing to start with than a cross I take every single day to pause and look at. No matter if I'm in a rush to get home or on my way into town I still take a moment when I'm at either stop sign of this intersection to glance over and look at the marker.

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