11 December 2009

In the Name of Spontaneity

December 7, 2009
Originally uploaded by Khonsus
So remember what I said about trying to do a pic a day for December? Yeah well I'm rethinking that entire decision. Why? Because now it's kind of losing it's attraction. Taking pictures right now doesn't seem fun to me when I feel like I HAVE to take a picture. I feel like it's a chore now and that was not the original goal to this whole idea. I guess photo taking like my writing, like my vidding, like my art needs to come naturally when I'm ready for it and not because I feel like I HAVE to do it. I was good with the idea until December 8th. I took a photo and didn't really like the results. The day after that I had no desire to take a picture because it's not fun for me at the moment. It feels to frigid (if that makes sense) too forced and no longer holds that appeal it did. I suspected this might happen. I can't force myself to do something and when something that is fun for me, enjoyable for me no longer becomes enjoyable or relaxing, when it starts feeling like a necessity, like it must be done now...well that's just irritating to me.

I came up with a solution though. I still want to share pictures I've taken, but it's no longer going to be a pic a day. I am going to do a pic a week and how am I going to go about tackling this? I post at least six pictures a week to my Flickr account. They're not really planned or ones I feel I HAVE to share. I'm uploading the pics that appeal to me that night or whatnot that I'd like to share just for the chance to share :)

My new idea? I plan to select one picture a week from the ones uploaded each week to my Flickr account and talk about it. The pictures I select will be what I consider a favorite, or a "best" or one I just wanted to share with others. I figure in doing this I can still keep posting to this blog, still make it interesting and photography will no longer feel like a chore to me because there won't be the demands I place on myself to take a pic EVERY DAY. It's a bit too much what with the holiday season upon us and the accident I had recently and all. It's just too much and when it stops being fun that means I gotta go with my instincts and change it up already.

So there's the reason...

Now to explain this picture...

When my cat passed away due to kidney failure I missed her terribly. The same year that happened I went to Chicago and went into the Shedd Aquarium (a daily routine for me each time I'm in the city of Chicago). While there I glanced at the stuffed animals just because I wanted to. When i saw this fellow I picked him up and immediately noticed how soft he was in my hands. He also reminded me immediately of Frisco so I bought him and brought him home.

Now everytime I look at this stuffed harbor seal I think of Frisco and smile. :)

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