04 December 2009

Pic a Day -- Day 4

December 4, 2009
Originally uploaded by Khonsus
Here is a picture of one of the stray cats that hangs around my house. I kind of adopted him. He's not a very friendly cat because he doesn't really trust people, but I still feed him and talk to him when I see him.

Where I live a lot of people tend to drop of stray cats because I live back along some woods. I can't not put feed out for strays when I see them. This one has been with me awhile. He kind of fills that void that my cat and dog left when they gained their wings and left the earthly plain. :)

I call him Gabriel, after the archangel. He earned the name because when he was first dropped off there was another smaller cat that was hanging around and this one kind of took on the guadian role, so I felt it perfect to call him Gabriel.

Though he is still very leery of people and isn't to keen on me petting him he still will rub against my legs as I fill his feed dish. Unfortunately when it comes to photography he doesn't seem to like his picture taken because countless times I've had this perfect picture ready to be snapped and he walks away before I can snap it. Today I figured it was time to follow him. :)

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