15 December 2009

Holidays and Romantic Comedies

Every year around this time I get the urge to watch all those old smoochy romantic comedies. I don't know why, but it always happens. I guess I just want to give myself a good cry for the holidays or something. :)

I usually start with "Sleepless in Seattle" and then progress to "You've Got Mail", "While You Were Sleeping" and so on. I, there's something about the holidays that put me in the mood for a good cry and a warm fuzzy feeling when things work out at the end.

I'm not one for holidays. When I was a kid I LOVED Christmas. It was my favorite holiday of the year. My family would always have this routine we'd do every Christmas. My brother and I would get up WAY before my parents and rush downstairs oohing and ahhing at all the prettily wrapped packages under the Christmas tree. Usually we were visited by the cat or dog...they'd be quite content roaming around the gifts looking for hiding spots or racing to get that special little bone or toy my mom would get for them and place under the tree right beside our stockings. My brother and I would sit there and laugh and talk quietly digging through our stockings the whole time waiting anxiously for mom and dad to come downstairs and join us. Back then Christmas was special...through the years I guess with age it no longer seemed as fun to open all those Christmas gifts...that little warm fuzzy feeling you get when you open a gift trying to figure out what's inside kind of dulls with the years. I always blamed that on being older, more mature...growing up. Still Christmas was a fun time of the year but then it stopped being so fun. Why? Well I blame it totally on the commercialization of the holiday. The retailers and the higher ups made the holiday more about buying the most expensive gifts and less about spending time with family. What do I enjoy most about Christmas now? Spending time with my family...granted my parents no longer share the same home, but when I leave work on Christmas Eve I literally RACE to my mom's house to spend Christmas with her and her husband. It's a bonus if my brother is there...usually he leaves earlier though due to having his own little celebration, but I still love going over there and eating a meal, talking with my mom and Matt, exchanging gifts, hearing stories...and then on Christmas day I get to look forward to spending time with my dad. He makes a small meal, my brother will usually come up. We exchange a few gifts and talk a bit. I kinda, sort of get two Christmas' really and I get to spend it with those I love.

So while I no longer get overly excited about all the gifts I do get excited and am happy and glad I get to spend time with the people who mean the most to me. Sadly I don't spend as much time with them as I used to, but those times I do...I cherish every single one of them.

So bringing this chat back to the original topic at hand...why do I like to watch those old romantic comedies around the holidays? I think it's because they remind me of how lucky I am, of how there's still magic out there, that everything will work itself out. Most importantly those kinds of movies make me remember all the good times, all the sad times, all the wonderful memories and they remind me of just how lucky I am to have it all.

Okay so maybe I'm a romantic at heart, but in the end I think those movies make me remember and that is something I revel in. :)

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