06 December 2009

Pic a Day -- Day 6

December 6, 2009
Originally uploaded by Khonsus
So I admit that I wasn't very creative here for day 6 of the "pic a day". I worked today and by the time I got home the last thing on my mind was snapping a picture of something. When I finally pulled out my camera I was left debating what to take a picture of. I opted to fiddle with some different things before I settled on taking a picture of my desk.

Why a photo of my desk you ask? Well, I've seen those memes going around for years on blogs about taking a snapshot of your desk and sharing it. I always wanted to participate in them but never did. I figured now would be as good a time as any.

I also wanted something that had meaning to me. Well, I spend just about every single night sitting on my computer at this desk and reading through blogs, checking websites, doing research so I figured why not take a picture of a primary place I spend most of my evenings at. The result? A photograph of my desk...

So now can you tell why I never participated in those "name 5 things on your desk" memes? I have a lot of stuff and believe me there is quite a vast array here. The picture shows an overview...closer looks would reveal individual DVD's, pictures, glass figurines and even books to name but a few things.

So now you know what my desk looks like and if you're one of those who likes a challenge have fun examining the contents. I assure you there are more than twenty items on that desk! :D

Oh and for the really, REALLY brave (or just intrigued maybe) they say you can tell a lot about a person by the things they have on their desks (well at least that's what MacGyver said on well...MacGyver) so what does this tell you about me?

You don't have to answer I just wanted to ask. :D

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