29 June 2009

Oh the Years How They Fade...

So years ago, many years ago, I was one of those people who said I had no interest in art whatsoever...well, other than gazing at other's works. If you would have asked me back then if I'd ever do anything remotely artistic I would've probably laughed in your face and told you I could never be an artist. My how times seem to have changed a bit.

How do you ask? Well let me tell you. :)

For years I admired other's art and longed to one day learn how to be that creative too. My creativity though seemed limited to my writing. Yes I'm a writer. I write stories, have been writing for over 20 years now. My how time flies!

So yeah getting back to my main topic of discussion...

I write, my creative muse has always been for writing and then one day I started fiddling with artwork, started looking at magazines for scrapbooking and gazing longingly at all the wonderful layouts people made. I wondered if I could do that too and would simply shake my head, say no way and never think on it much again...other than to pick up those same magazines and again look at the pics.

I was shifted to third shift abruptly after one of our night shift workers committed suicide. I stayed on night shift for about half a year. It was the WORST half a year I have ever had! I hated the two I worked with because they were always so negative, gossip queens most would have labeled them and they were nasty! So me? I tried to work on my stories, on my writing there but just couldn't do it. I need a certain level of silence, of comfort to work and that just was not the place for it so I picked up those scrapbooking magazines. Eventually I wandered off to AC Moore's and gazed at the aisles of stickers and paints...I broke down and bought myself a blank scrapbook. My mind began to toy with the idea of fiddling with scrapbooking on my own. Soon I was going through convention pics. I travel to conventions, have been for years and have tons of pics of the guests at the cons but sadly they remain in envelopes and storage...never to be seen by others. So I got this brainy idea to make a scrapbook devoted to the conventions and low and behold I was on my way to becoming artistic...a foot in the door, a very shaky one at that but it was enough...

Eventually my sights journeyed to the wonderful world of art journaling. I've always liked journaling and to discover that people sent personal journals around the world for others to add to...well that just plain intrigued me...and soon I was joining an LJ community just for art journaling. I got sucked in quite thoroughly and have been hooked ever since!

For years worked on other people's journals (still do) and created entries for them then got a brainy idea to try it for myself. Now? Now I'm experimenting and having a blast, all the while expanding my minimal repertoire of artistic talent...the journey has been quite...amazing ever since and thus I decided why not share a bit of that here with others. I tried that over at my other blog but it just didn't seem to fit, you know...so here I am daring to create a second blog with a separate blogging company and wondering where this door will lead me...if any where.

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