31 October 2012

Finding the Courage...

So as I mentioned previously I intend to start sharing images of my art journaling and stuff. The hold up? Right now other than a busy RL? Scanning the pages. It's on my list of things to do.

I've been wanting to art journal for years, even fiddled with it for a time. I didn't start literally keeping a more complete one until I purchased a moleskin journal over at Target. It was a little pricy but hey I've been wanting one for years so I caved and bought one. I've been working in it off and on. I've been doing some journaling, some painting, some sketching and even have just started working on collages in it. It's a slow going process but thus far it seems to be working out. Now to share it with everyone will be my next step.

I've fiddled a bit with several mediums and seem to be experimenting a bit more too, but I'm still slow to dive right in. I imagine others experience this same stall? Either that or I'm just plain unfocused and hitting more brick walls on the creative front. We shall see what results in the coming months.

Oh hey while I'm thinking of it: Happy Halloween everybody! :)

01 October 2012

Minor Delays

So truth be told I do plan to start sharing art journal pages and the like, only I find I have a very difficult time actually sitting down and focusing on scanning the pages and actually typing entries. It's been a major stall for years with me and journaling: trying to make myself sit down and actually type out entries. Instead of doing that I get sidetracked by a million and one other things...one of the biggest being that damned Farmville on FB. I play it way too much and it takes up a large chunk of time. I'm trying to draw away from it due to that and sometimes I success, sometimes I don't. All I know is I'll go on it intending to only stay there a few minutes and next thing I know HOURS have gone by and I lost a crap load of time to that game. It's frustrating.

So I do intend to post stuff here as soon as I break myself of that stupid Farmville addiction thing-y.

In other news...

Searching for a community where I can share my works with fellow artists and we can chat back and forth, share ideas, thoughts etc on art in general. You know one of those communities where you can just talk in general about creating and the whole process, but it's got to be a site where we can all share our works, thoughts etc...just not sure if such a community exists. Perhaps I should create one such community but well time is not always on my side and I tend to get distracted by crazy things such as FB addiction. Not cool or good or anything.