18 August 2012

Back in the Saddle

Yeah so I had an original purpose for this particular online journal and some where along the way lost it...or rather that thing called real life entered in and kind of took over. Well so in between real life, work, travel, finally finding and buying my own home and a sorted collection of other things I drifted, actually drifted from just about everything there for a time. My writing stalled, my art stalled, my internet surfing stalled...as a result a lot of my other things stalled. I created this journal with the purpose of using it to share my artwork, my art journaling, my photography and all that. I kind of had an epic fail with that I fear but now intend to remedy that.

Since settling into my new home and getting myself sort of back on track I've thus returned to some of those things that were "left by the wayside". I have recently started writing again. I have started settling down and relaxing more. My job seems a little calmer and I have again picked up a paintbrush and pencil.

The other day I bought a moleskin journal, been wanting one of those for ages and figured hey why not now? It's a bit expensive but it'll do. I've been reading more art journaling stuff, thinking more about life in general and brainstorming ideas for both stories and art. I plan to now, hopefully, make an attempt at using this journal for its original purpose: sharing my artwork, chatting about it and talking about life in general.

I actually have three online journals with even my main one having drifted to the wayside. One I share mainly my writings and fandom-y stuff, one is just there as a back up with hardly a thing in it and then there's this one. I still can't decided if I should just make my main journal and all inclusive or not. I don't know that remains to be debated...oh and I have a fourth journal that was supposed to replace my main one but never did so yeah lots of online stuff that hasn't seen the light of day in ages.

Still for now I think I'll stick with this being mainly for artsy stuff and who knows maybe eventually stuff contained on my main journal will end up here or vice versa. We shall see, for now though let's just call this all and experimental affair and leave it at that shall we?

For now I shall sign off but plan to work on making updated posts of my older art journaling and my newer stuff and who knows perhaps THIS TIME I can stick with it. Keep your fingers crossed people! :)